Clayton and Bob Fitzsimmons Author Chapter in Medical Textbook on Neurological Sports Medicine
Fitzsimmons Law Firm PLLC
A recently published medical textbook "
HANDBOOK OF NEUROLOGICAL SPORTS MEDICINE" contains a chapter written by Clayton Fitzsimmons and Bob Fitzsimmons,
trial attorneys from Fitzsimmons Law Firm PLLC in Wheeling, West Virginia.
The medical textbook will be used in medical schools and by medical practitioners
dealing with neurological sports medicine. The textbook's authors
are neurosurgeons Anthony L. Petraglia, M.D., Julian E. Bailes, Jr., M.D.,
and Arthur L. Day, M.D. Bob Fitzsimmons indicated that a medical school
had requested several neurosurgeons to put together an updated medical
textbook that could be used for teaching purposes and for clinical applications
because there were very few textbooks on the subject. Clayton Fitzsimmons
said that there has been an increased awareness of neurological injuries
in sports in the last decade, specifically including concussions, and
this book thoroughly covers those injuries, including concussions. The
chapter written by Clayton and Bob is styled "MEDICOLEGAL CONSIDERATIONS
IN NEUROLOGICAL SPORTS MEDICINE." The textbook was published by Human
Kinetics, copyrighted 2014. The book can be purchased online by visiting