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Bob Fitzsimmons—best known as a trial attorney, attorney for Pittsburgh Steeler and Hall of Famer Mike Webster in his successful concussion case against the NFL, and attorney who successfully represented West Virginia University against Coach Rodriquez when he fled to the University of Michigan—can now add “Book Editor” to his extensive resume. Bob Fitzsimmons co-edited the newly released Medical Legal Handbook which is published by Juris Publishing, Inc. 2018. Bob Fitzsimmons also authored a chapter in the textbook, along with the other Fitzsimmons Law attorneys, which included the following individual chapters:

The purpose of the book is twofold: (1) to educate the medical community with fundamental legal concepts, and (2) to provide legal professionals and law enforcement with basic knowledge of forensic medicine. The Medical Legal Handbook will serve as a quick and easily understandable reference tool of both medical and legal knowledge together with useful tips when dealing with medical and legal professions.

The book consists of two parts: Part I “Scientific Medicolegal Investigation” and Part II “The Medicolegal Aspects of the Medical Practice.” Part I “Scientific MedicoLegal Investigation” highlights the medicolegal death investigation process along with the methods and procedures of injury identification and interpretation. This section provides legal and law enforcement personnel with a practical explanation and understanding of the basic knowledge, techniques and procedures a forensic pathologist uses during an autopsy. Part II “The Medicolegal Aspects of the Medical Practice” addresses legal terms, concepts, subjects and civil litigation proceedings, especially in the area of medical malpractice, that provides medical practitioners with basic legal insight that will aid them when dealing with the legal profession and law enforcement.

According to one review of the book:

“Never in the history of humankind has so much information been available, so simply, to so many people. Why then do we possibly need a Handbook combining medicine with law? The answer is equally simple: because the quality and breadth of knowledge of these new professionals is worth considering in any medium. From a leading federal trial judge to trial lawyers with extraordinary court room successes and brilliant practicing doctors, the authors of these chapters provide us with a behind-the-scenes look at what really matters when law meets medicine.”

You can purchase a copy of Medical Legal Handbook at:
